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Not So Simple

Q: My neighbor’s 7-year-old cat is quite thin , seems to have a bad case of dandruff--white flakes all over his coat--and moves around in a daze, as if permanently sedated. Since I’m very fond of him, I’d like to know whether some simple treatment (a pill, a diet change) could be suggested. --L.H. A: Your description of “dandruff” on this cat suggests that he’s exhibiting seborrhea, an excessive scaling of the hair coat, which may or may not also be oily or itchy. Unfortunately, it is rarely a simple, primary condition in the cat. It may be secondary to skin parasites (fleas or lice), intestinal parasites, fungal infections of the skin and hair, or nutritional deficiencies, and may also occasionally accompany such serious disorders as diabetes mellitus, liver disease and feline leukemia virus infection. Mild scaling may be controlled with special anti-seborrheic shampoos, but since this cat is also thin and seemingly lethargic, he may be suffering from one or more other problems. Therefore, the cat needs a complete veterinary evaluation and diagnosis of all its problems before any treatment can be recommended.
