
Costa Mesa : City to Buy 175 Acres of Parkland From County

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Calling it “the most significant parkland acquisition in Costa Mesa’s history,” city officials approved the purchase of 175 acres of the county-owned Fairview Regional Park.

In acquiring the site from the county, the city committed itself to develop the area for recreation, park and open space.

This, according to a city report, is essentially the same condition that was placed on the property at the time it was sold by the State of California to the county in 1973.


The total acreage of the Fairview Regional Park site, excluding two parcels owned by the city, is 260.5 acres. Moreover, City Manager Allen Roeder said the acquisition will double Costa Mesa’s existing parkland acreage.

The agreement, which was signed this week by Costa Mesa and county officials, calls for a purchase price of $4.1 million. State property officials still must approve the contract.
