
Inglewood Recall Group Disbands, Donates Money to Scholarship Fund


The committee that inspired the unsuccessful recall drive against Inglewood school Trustees Caroline Coleman, William Dorn and Ernest Shaw disbanded last week and donated about $1,000 left from its treasury to the Inglewood Foundation for Excellence in Education, a local scholarship fund.

About 13 parents and other residents formed the recall committee in May, 1985, after Coleman, Dorn and Shaw voted to fire Supt. Rex Fortune.

In a turnabout decision, the board voted to rehire Fortune two months later, in effect “taking the wind out of the committee’s sails,” said group leader Caroline Elam.


“We kept collecting signatures but people started to lose interest after Supt. Fortune was reinstated,” Elam said.

The recall against board members Coleman and Shaw failed Dec. 20, falling more than 8,000 signatures short of the roughly 13,800 needed to place the recall on the April, 1986, ballot. A similar effort to recall board President Dorn failed in November.

Though the group will formally disband, the Rev. Matther M. Jefferson, a committee member, said that he and other members will continue to monitor school board and city issues.
