
The Space Shuttle Catastrophe Off Cape Canaveral


I will never forget the smiles, the waves of the Challenger crew as they started their journey. Nor will I ever wipe from my mind the image of their journey’s end.

I cannot recall ever shedding tears over someone I did not know, but I very simply could not help myself and I wept for the crew of the Challenger.

This is the feeling you have at the death of a child (which I have experienced): disbelief that this could happen, anger--why, why, why? And such regret--such utter, helpless regret.


But, the mail still comes with bills to be paid, the car still needs repairing, and dinner is getting cold. So, light your candles, say your prayers and mount your plaques, if that will help.

My solace will come with the continuation of the exploration of space by the United States of America, marked by the intelligence, determination, courage and just plain old true grit that so epitomized the Challenger crew.

Wherever you are, my heart is with you.


