
Combatting Gang Violence


While I appreciate The Times’ concern about gang violence in Los Angeles, a concern most assuredly shared by the Los Angeles Police Commission, I am somewhat disturbed by the framework it chose to discuss this serious issue in its two articles (Jan. 19).

Combatting gang violence requires the combined and cooperative efforts of all law enforcement personnel in Los Angeles. Each and every law enforcement agency in the area is constantly striving to achieve a solution to this problem, and utilizes a variety of strategies and approaches. Some are more successful than others, and in the Police Department this is the subject of ongoing review and reformulation.

The Times’ divisive approach, which focuses in on the disparities between law enforcement efforts rather than the combined overall impact, does, I believe, a disservice to all of the officers both in this department and elsewhere who are working with such dedication to suppress gang-related crime.


Again, I am pleased that you are dealing with this subject and the efforts being made to help bring about a resolution, but hope that in the future you will avoid the tendency to evaluate progress by making it a competitive issue between law enforcement agencies.


President, Los Angeles

Board of Police Commissioners
