
Contrasting Headlines


The front page of The Times (Jan. 31) did more than disturb my digestion and mental outlook. To be more accurate, I recoiled in horror and shame at the grossly tilted priorities of the Reagan Administration.

Two headlines blared the awful reality: “Reagan May Ask 50% More for ‘Star Wars’ ” and “HHS Cutbacks Exceed Forecast” with the subhead “Many Fear Disruption of Health, Social Program.” How can it be that the defense secretary will seek such an increase in funding for a program of dubious value while President Reagan insists that additional cuts be made on programs devoted to needy children. With about 21% of all American children under the age of 18 living in poverty, this seems like a most misguided type of thinking.

Have we let our paranoia for security doom us to consider actions that continue to erode America’s first and foremost resource--its people? Why do we continue to pour millions into weapons of destruction that make us feel no more secure than we did when the arms race first started? It is sheer madness.


Unless enough of us wake up from our complacency and personal security to recognize the cries of our fellow Americans, we stand the chance of losing our contact with the most important race--the human one


Laguna Niguel
