
Monterey Park : Survey of City Services


The city will spend $12,000 to survey residents on city services, City Manager Lloyd de Llamas said. A proposed paramedic service tax and the establishment of better bus routes will be among the concerns of the survey.

Llamas said the city has done similar surveys in the past, through the city newsletter, but generally received responses from only a small percentage of its readers. “It’s always kind of bothered all of us that we might not be getting a statistically accurate measurement,” Llamas said. “We wanted something that hits everybody, young and old.”

The survey, which will involve telephone interviews with 2% of Monterey Park households, will be performed by Gary Hunt, a communications studies professor at California State University, Los Angeles.


In his proposal, Hunt said the survey of about 440 homes will cover such issues as economic conditions, transportation, city services and the quality of life. Multilingual volunteers will conduct the interviews. The study is scheduled to be completed by May 15.
