


Cable TV Rates to Climb: About 27,000 Orange County subscribers to Storer television cable service, mostly Anaheim residents, will pay 5% more for the company’s basic channel service beginning next month, said Gary Massaglia, vice president of operations for Storer Cable Communications. On March 1, subscription fees will increase from $5.55 to $5.80 for TV Basic, the company’s 24-channel basic service, Massaglia said. The basic service includes local broadcast stations, local government channels and public access channels. Massaglia said the increase is designed to cover increased service costs. He said the rate hike is regulated by the federal Cable Act of 1984, which put a 5% ceiling on increases in basic service prices charged by cable companies until Dec. 28, when the industry will be deregulated. Rates for Storer’s TV Plus subscribers, a service that includes the basic stations plus 10 cable channels, will increase from $10.25 to $11.50, Massaglia said.
