
Year-Round Schools

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As a principal of a year-round school, I’ve been reading your articles and letters to the editor regarding the Los Angeles Unified School District’s plans for a year-round school program. I recently initiated a year-round school in my school district (San Luis Coastal Unified School District) and would like to alleviate a few concerns.

The most important thing that parents need to realize is that programs such as the Campfire, Scouts, and city recreation are scheduled to fit the school calendar. Change the school calendar and their schedules will change also. A person in Campfire told me she hoped that her program could go year-round instead of one overloaded summer program.

Child care was also expressed as a concern by my school community before we began the year-round calendar. By experience, we have found that child-care people have no problem adjusting and accepting the new school calendar, and like it, indeed.


Regarding the weather situation, I need to remind you that the summer hot weather is not in July and August, but September and October. Do you remember the heat waves in September when school is starting and the hot October day with Halloween costumes to wear?

My community, staff, and children are very happy with the year-round school calendar (per surveys). Let me conclude by saying that the only fear is change itself.


San Luis Obispo

Michels is principal of Hawthorne Elementary School.
