
Governor Will attend the opening ceremony of...

Times Staff Writer

Governor Will attend the opening ceremony of the extension of the San Diego light rail system and speak to a luncheon of the San Diego County Federation of Republican Women today.

Assembly Committee Action: Child Support: The Judiciary Committee approved a bill (AB 2996) by Assemblyman Johan Klehs (D-San Leandro) to authorize the state to release names of all persons owing back child support to the Lottery Commission for subtraction from any winnings. This currently can be done only if the family is on welfare. A 9-0 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.

AIDS: The Public Safety Committee approved a bill (AB 3137) by Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (D-Santa Clara) to allow the Department of Corrections to contract for private or public care of prison inmates who have AIDS. A 6-0 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.


Bills Introduced: Birth Certificates: AB 4418 by Assemblyman Don A. Sebastiani (R-Sonoma) would require all birth certificates to include blood type and fingerprints to help locate and identify missing children, effective March 1, 1987.

Senate Marijuana: The Judiciary Committee approved a bill (SB 1725) by Sen. James W. Nielsen (R-Woodland) to appropriate $3.9 million to continue state efforts to crack down on marijuana farming in seven rural northern counties. A 7-1 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.

Bills Introduced: Literacy: SB 2591 by Sen. David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) would expand adult literacy services in public libraries statewide with a $600,000 appropriation aimed at offering tutoring to entire families. Legislative researchers estimate that 4.8 million Californians read below the ninth-grade level.
