
Pasadena : Cable TV Firm Given Relief

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Pasadena has agreed to suspend for one year enforcement of part of its franchise contract with Falcon Cable TV to provide the company some financial relief. The company has completed about 90% of its cable television system, but unexpectedly high construction costs and low subscriber interest has left Falcon unable to complete its system, according to a report by the Board of City Directors’ Public Enterprise Committee. The system was scheduled for completion two months ago.

To ease the financial squeeze, the city will allow Falcon to reduce its payments this year to the Pasadena Community Access Corp. from $450,000 to $105,600 and permit postponement of about $35,000 in fees to the access corporation. Falcon also will be permitted to postpone installation of a planned underground cable system west of the 210 Freeway in the Linda Vista area. In return, the company will provide additional training of city and access corporation personnel and extra help with promotion of the community access program.
