
The 53-47 Senate Roll Call on Aid to the Contras

Associated Press

Here is the 53-47 roll call Thursday by which the Senate approved President Reagan’s plan to provide $100 million in aid to contra rebels fighting Nicaragua’s Sandinista government:

Democrats voting for the aid (11):

Lloyd Bentsen (Tex.), David L. Boren (Okla.), Bill Bradley (N.J.), Lawton Chiles (Fla.), Alan J. Dixon (Ill.), Howell Heflin (Ala.), Ernest F. Hollings (S.C.), J. Bennett Johnston (La.), Russell B. Long (La.), Sam Nunn (Ga.), John C. Stennis (Miss.)

Republicans voting for (42):

James Abdnor (S.D.), William L. Armstrong (Colo.), Rudy Boschwitz (Minn.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), William S. Cohen (Me.), Alfonse M. D’Amato (N.Y.), John C. Danforth (Mo.), Jeremiah Denton (Ala.), Bob Dole (Kan.), Pete V. Domenici (N.M.), John P. East (N.C.), Jake Garn (Utah), Barry Goldwater (Ariz.), Phil Gramm (Texas), Charles E. Grassley (Iowa), Orrin G. Hatch (Utah), Paula Hawkins (Fla.), Chic Hecht (Nev.), John Heinz (Pa.), Jesse Helms (N.C.), Gordon J. Humphrey (N.H.), Nancy Kassebaum (Kan.), Bob Kasten (Wis.), Paul Laxalt (Nev.), Richard G. Lugar (Ind.), Mack Mattingly (Ga.), James A. McClure (Idaho), Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Frank H. Murkowski (Alaska), Don Nickles (Okla.), Larry Pressler (S.D.), Dan Quayle (Ind.), William V. Roth Jr. (Del.), Warren B. Rudman (N.H.), Alan K. Simpson (Wyo.), Ted Stevens (Alaska), Steven D. Symms (Idaho), Strom Thurmond (S.C.), Paul S. Trible Jr. (Va.), Malcolm Wallop (Wyo), John W. Warner (Va.), Pete Wilson (Calif.)


Democrats voting against (36):

Max Baucus (Mont.) Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Del.), Jeff Bingaman (N.M.), Dale Bumpers (Ark.), Quentin N. Burdick (N.D.), Robert C. Byrd (W.Va.), Alan Cranston (Calif.), Dennis DeConcini (Ariz.), Christopher J. Dodd (Conn.), Thomas F. Eagleton (Mo.), J. James Exon (Neb.), Wendell H. Ford (Ky.), John Glenn (Ohio), Albert J. Gore (Tenn.), Tom Harkin (Iowa), Gary Hart (Colo.), Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii), Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.), John Kerry (Mass.), Frank R. Lautenberg (N.J.), Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), Carl Levin (Mich.), Spark M. Matsunaga (Hawaii), John Melcher (Mont.), Howard M. Metzenbaum (Ohio), George J. Mitchell (Me.), Daniel P. Moynihan (N.Y.), Claiborne Pell (R.I.), William Proxmire (Wis.), David Pryor (Ark.), Donald W. Riegle Jr. (Mich.), John D. Rockefeller IV (W. Va.), Paul S. Sarbanes (Md.), Jim Sasser (Tenn.), Paul Simon (Ill.), Edward Zorinsky (Neb.)

Republicans against (11):

Mark Andrews (N.D.), John H. Chafee (R.I.), Dave Durenberger (Minn.), Daniel J. Evans (Wash), Slade Gorton (Wash.), Mark O. Hatfield (Ore.), Charles McC Mathias Jr. (Md.), Bob Packwood (Ore.), Arlen Specter (Pa.), Robert T. Stafford (Vt.), Lowell P. Weicker Jr. (Conn.).
