
U.S. to Evict Illegal Aliens Living in Federal Housing

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Associated Press

The Reagan Administration said today it plans to evict illegal aliens living in federally subsidized public housing.

The regulations, which go into effect July 30, will require every applicant for federal housing assistance to prove he or she is a citizen or a legal resident of the United States.

Starting Oct. 27, everyone already in federally subsidized housing will be required to present the same proof when his or her case comes up for annual review.


“The restrictions are intended to reserve scarce housing assistance resources for persons with the most legitimate claim--namely, citizens and other persons lawfully present in the United States,” the Department of Housing and Urban Development said in a statement.

Similar restrictions are already in effect for those who get food stamps and other assistance for the poor.

The regulations were prepared to meet the provisions of a new law passed by Congress.

In another action today, President Reagan announced that he will establish quotas and increase tariffs on European agricultural products unless the European Community rescinds restrictions that it has imposed.


The White House announced three trade moves it said were aimed at eliminating foreign unfair trade practices and securing open markets for American exports.

“In the most significant case, the President has decided that the United States will take action against new European Community agricultural restrictions which could affect as much as $1 billion in U.S. farm exports,” White House spokesman Larry Speakes said.

The restrictions were imposed after Spain and Portugal joined the community, also known as the Common Market.


“Unless the community rescinds its illegal quotas and promptly provides compensation for its increased tariffs, the U.S. will offset new restrictions by establishing quotas and increasing tariffs on European Community products entering our markets,” Speakes said.
