“Hunza: Kingdom of Longevity,” a documentary on a remote enclave in the Himalayas where many people live remarkably long lives, will be shown today at 7:30 p.m. in Fullerton College’s Plummer Auditorium. Film maker Jens Bjerre will be on hand to narrate his film.
People living to 100 and beyond is not uncommon in Hunza, a region in northern Pakistan. Men in that region have been known to become fathers at 90, and cancer and heart attacks are virtually unknown. In the film, Bjerre looks at the diet to which this longevity is attributed.
Bjerre has traveled the world extensively for more than 35 years as a writer and documentary film maker. The filming of “Hunza” required two expeditions into the remote region, where the Soviet Union, Afghanistan and Pakistan meet.
Tickets for the film will be available at the door and will cost $3.50 for general admission and $3 for students and senior citizens. For information on the showing, call (714) 871-8000, Ext. 253.
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