
Friends Desert Them, Imelda Marcos Says

From Reuters

Imelda Marcos said in an interview published today that she is broke, abandoned by hundreds of celebrity friends, slapped with new lawsuits every day and afraid even to walk outside her exile home.

In a copyrighted interview with the New York Post conducted by phone Sunday to Honolulu, the former Philippines first lady said, “I have lost everything, even my friends.”

Mrs. Marcos told Post columnist Cindy Adams she has not heard from such celebrity friends as actor George Hamilton or heiress Cristina Ford since going into exile, but has heard from the former Empress of Iran and former Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky “because they have been through this.”


Mrs. Marcos said, “I have a thousand friends even closer than George or Cristina and I am not being cynical when I say you’d be surprised how few friends you end up with.”

New Lawsuit Every Day

She added: “Every day we’re served with another lawsuit. Every one of us including the 14 babies in our party have two dozen lawsuits each (against them).”

Mrs. Marcos said her family does not venture outside the walls of their home because it is surrounded by journalists.
