


Phew. You need a tape measure to keep up with all the column inches of press that Mark Harmon got for his TV gig as Ted Bundy in “The Deliberate Stranger.”

We caught interviews with the Coors Man in the L.A. Daily News, Her-Ex, Orange County Register, TV Guide, the Washington Post, N.Y. Post and us. And there were all those interview pieces by way of an NBC press junket held when “Deliberate Stranger” just began shooting.

And who could forget Harmon hailed as “The Sexiest Man Alive” by People and for “Going Elsewhere Fast” by USA Today? Heck, he was even on a recent cover of Orange Coast magazine (holding a crayfish with a pair of chopsticks). The story tabbed him “A Man’s Man” and decreed, “Mark Harmon Just Keeps Getting Better.”


Harmon as Bundy brought yeas and nays. USA Today’s Monica Collins found him “too pretty and plastic as a psycho.” The Washington Post’s Tom Shales thought him “inadequate.” The Hollywood Reporter figured his casting “inspired.” Our Howard Rosenberg found him “chillingly believable.”

Next up for Harmon--the big screen. “Let’s Get Harry” is due in August.

Until then . . . those Coors spots. To date, he’s shot 22 of them. The latest are set outdoors--timed to summer. As Harmon’s ad rep noted, “Those shots of the great outdoors do tend to make people thirsty.”
