
Campaign Ads by Bradley

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You seem to agree with Bradley’s campaign ads that waste disposal and insurance companies have contributed heavily to the Deukmejian campaign. Yet, your own research and analysis of contributions to both candidates tell a different story.

While the Deukmejian campaign received only 1.3% of its total contributions from waste disposal firms, Bradley, on the other hand, received $81,000 (5.1%) from unions, marine-related and foreign trade-related interests, all three of which contributed no money to Deukmejian.

Bradley has received twice as much from the food industry (Bradley 3.2% vs. Deukmejian 1.7%), and investment bankers and stockbrokers (Bradley 8.9% vs. Deukmejian 4.3%).


Developers have given about equally to both campaigns (Deukmejian 18.9% vs. Bradley 16.5%), as have attorneys (Deukmejian 7.5% vs. Bradley 6.6%.

Interestingly, retirees and individuals have given seven times as much to the governor, 5.2%, than to Bradley, 0.77%. On the other hand, the entertainment industry gave $55,125 to Bradley and none to Deukmejian.

Under close scrutiny, Bradley’s campaign charges do not stand up.


