
‘Scanty Uniforms’ Lawsuit


My blood has not stopped boiling since I read about the waitress (May 28) who is suing her employer, the Rusty Pelican restaurant, for “scanty uniforms” and the “sexual harassment” she “had to endure” as a result.

This is yet another disturbing example of our litigious society gone mad. Kathy Boyer seeks $14 million for a job she voluntarily kept for five years and gladly accepted wages and tips for, no less. Give me a break!

No one held that woman at gunpoint and forced her to continue working as such a waitress year after year.


She had the option to quit at any time and seek employment elsewhere.

Should Boyer manage to win her case, it is the rest of us--local taxpayers, consumers, insurance-holders--who indirectly finance such a laughably large award, and countless others like it, through rising rates and prices.

The decent, honest, silent majority ultimately bears the financial brunt while the unscrupulous few who sue, and their avaricious attorneys, of course, reap the monetary awards at our vast expense.

If this case isn’t thrown out of court, what little confidence I presently have in our courts, decisions will be severely eroded.


Huntington Beach
