
Liberty Weekend


Movie porducer David Wolper’s Liberty Weekend plumbed a new low in what seems to be a cancerous trend--bringing the worst excesses of show biz into civic affairs. There were moments during his production that were frankly embarrassing. The rest was simply regrettable.

Wolper’s efforts during the recent Olympics can be forgiven, since the spiritual ideals of the Olympic games have long lain dead.

The swearing in of new citizens and the recognition of the achievements of immigrant Americans were nice touches, but they were all but lost in the midst of so much spotlight-patriotism.


As for the speeches, such as they were, it was clear that the art of oratory has died. President Reagan should shop for new speech writers. His habitual rambling anecdotes about “the little man” ring insincere, coming from a man who is rarely within shouting distance of one. And surely one could come up with something better with which to honor France than “the midwife of liberty.” Just before Reagan said “Vive la France,” I had the horrible thought he would say “Ich bin ein Parisienne,” so sophisticated was his speech.


