
Redondo Beach : Group Protests Labor Talks

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About 35 blue-collar workers demonstrated outside City Hall Tuesday evening before facing the City Council with complaints about labor negotiations.

Pat Chaplin, Teamsters Local 911 recording secretary, speaking on behalf of the group, told the council the workers were there to prevent an impasse in negotiations. Local 911 represents about 75 employees, 44 of whom are union members, according to Larry Peterson, city personnel officer.

The main issues are the Teamsters’ requests for an agency shop, Martin Luther King’s birthday as a holiday and salaries, Peterson said. Under an agency shop, all blue-collar employees would be required to join the Teamsters. He declined to detail the differences in salary proposals.


The blue-collar workers’ contract expired June 30. Negotiations began May 27. The Redondo Beach Police Assn., the Redondo Beach Firefighters Assn. and CLOCEA (the California League of City Employee Assns.) reached agreements with the city recently.

The council met in closed session after Tuesday’s meeting to discuss the negotiations.
