
Only Humans Snake Out on Motel Bill


manager of a motel was more than a little surprised when he went to check on a couple who had not paid an extra day’s rent Friday afternoon. The couple was nowhere to be found, but their pet boa constrictor was still in residence.

John Kennelly, manager of the Ha’Penny Inn, said the couple had been staying at the hotel for two or three days but hadn’t paid for Thursday night. When he went to find out why, he found the room vacated except for the 8- to 10-foot snake.

“He was curled up between the glass and the screen of the bathroom window,” Kennelly said. “I first discovered it in the afternoon, but I was so busy I forgot all about it until the evening. Those kind of snakes don’t bite, you know, they just squeeze. . . . I think it’s a pet of theirs, but we do have a ‘no pet’ policy.”
