
‘World Scofflaw’


Your editorial decried the decision of the United States to ignore the International Court of Justice and the resolution of the U.N. Security Council to take a peaceful course in Nicaragua. It is the mark of a government that is out of touch with the will of the rest of the world.

Is the government any better attuned to its own people? Witness the insistence on maintaining the ridiculous 55 m.p.h. speed law, ignoring the fact that the masses of the American automobilists voting with their right feet for a 65 or 70 m.p.h. speed.

One wonders what the future holds in store for us with a self-righteous Uncle Sam who forces his will on the world community, maintains unworkable and widely ignored regulations, and seems to bent on running up a national debt of unimaginable proportions for “defense” while the numbers of the hungry and homeless swell daily.


President Reagan would do well to re-read the Constitution of the United States and the U.N. Charter and then ask himself whether or not ruling by divine right might not be a bit dated.


Santa Monica
