
Spending Limits for Candidates


Your articles (Southeast/Long Beach sections, Aug. 7) on spending limits for candidates for City Council and two-term limits for those already in office in the city of Cerritos made me re-think my original position.

I originally refused to sign a petition limiting the terms of Cerritos City Council members to two terms. In a democracy, we vote whether we want someone in or out of office. If I think someone is doing an excellent job and is dedicated to the community, why shouldn’t that person be able to run for office forever?

I’m about to change my mind. After seeing how much money is spent on campaigning for office, it is clear to me that there ought to be a spending limit on how much a candidate can spend. One’s candidacy should be based on one’s ability to perform the functions of city government. It should not be based on how many mailers one can afford to get out.


If by election time the Cerritos City Council doesn’t pass a bill limiting campaign spending, I will vote for a minimum of two terms. It just isn’t fair to all those qualified people who cannot afford large sums of money for campaigning.


