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“THE LOVER SPEAKS.” The Lover Speaks. A&M.; Though its ultra-romantic, stylishly emotional approach sometimes leads to Tears for Fears/Wham! mush, this new English duo of David Freeman and Joseph Hughes bows with a frequently intriguing album. Unusual arrangements interweave a male voice with Freeman’s female-like background vocals, enhancing the best tracks here--big-boom ballads “No More ‘I Love You’s,’ ” “Still Faking This Art of Love,” “Every Lover’s Sign” and the impressionistic “Of Tears.” Freeman’s lyrics etch various love-engendered situations in a manner that’s both heart-on-sleeve and English-degree-on-sleeve (you don’t hear “woebegone” in a pop song every day). His hyper-emotional lead vocals are sometimes ludicrously overwrought, but all in all this collection--superbly co-produced with the band by Jimmy Iovine--is well worth checking out.
