
Pico Rivera : Parking Restriction Enacted

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To discourage workers at the Northrop plant from parking on Pico Rivera streets, the City Council voted unanimously to restrict parking in neighborhoods north of the aerospace firm.

Supporting a recommendation from a special committee investigating the issue, the council banned parking between 9 and 10 a.m. and 2 and 3 p.m. on Crossway Drive, Birchleaf Avenue, Carron Drive and Goodbee Avenue. However, residents on those streets can apply for special permits allowing them to park there during the restricted hours Monday through Friday.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Sept. 28, 1986 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday September 28, 1986 Home Edition Long Beach Part 9 Page 2 Column 6 Zones Desk 2 inches; 66 words Type of Material: Correction
The Times incorrectly reported in the Sept. 18 Southeast/Long Beach editions that the Pico Rivera City Council will allow residents living north of the Northrop plant to obtain special permits to park on city streets during restricted hours. To discourage Northrop workers from parking in neighborhoods north of the plant, the council banned parking between 9 and 10 a.m. and 2 and 3 p.m. on several city streets. But the council did not make an exception for residents.

Violators will be issued a $25 citation. The new law will go into effect sometime next month.


In recent years, a small number of the 8,000 Northrop employees have been parking on city streets north of Washington Boulevard rather than in company lots. Homeowners in the area complain that their streets have come to resemble parking lots and some cars block their driveways.
