
‘Early Morning Joggers Setting Off the Alarms’


The woman from Chatsworth wanted to know “what’s all the fuss about barking dogs?” I will gladly inform her since she is obviously unaware of the fact that no one should feel that they have the right to own three barking dogs who disturb an entire neighborhood or even one barking dog.

She was quite disturbed by the fact that a jogger started her three dogs and the neighbors’ dogs barking at 4:15 a.m., which awakened her. How about her non-dog-owner neighbors who were awakened by the barking dogs?

She considers the jogger very thoughtless to run in the early morning and cause her dogs to bark. My husband and I have lived in our house for 28 years, and live next door to people who have three Dobermans who are confined to a small backyard and who bark constantly at anything and everything.


They are left alone all day while the owners are away at work. They bark steadily at anything--birds, butterflies, a falling leaf, a door slamming, any one walking by on the sidewalk.

Dog owners should move to the country or be confined to a dog neighborhood where everyone has a barker.

Barking dogs are noise pollution of the worst kind, causing one’s blood pressure to rise dangerously.

No one has the right to own a constantly barking dog. This right ends where my ears begin.

