
Views on Unarius


It is sad and I feel quite dangerous for one of your staff writers to twist and turn an article to suit his uninformed mind, such as he did, writing about the Unarius Academy of Science and its founder and teacher, Ruth Norman. She spent hours with him and his photographer, explaining the principles and purpose of this great science; then he called it a “cult” and ridiculed truth, twisting the facts until it became a real farce.

But so it is on this planet! Those who know nothing of life and of themselves write from their own ignorance. How could it be otherwise? I am speaking of Mike Granberry, who eagerly let be published negative and untrue statements of a non-student.

Mike’s thinking was of a tabloid nature, and I trust that when you want another article--and the truth--please don’t send a boy to do a man’s job . . . especially one who has no scientific understandings or willingness to at least accept information and write his story to benefit your readers.


I was there--a Unariun student whose expectations from Mike Granberry didn’t materialize!


El Cajon
