
Deukmejian Shares the Wealth in Late Going

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Times Staff Writers

Gov. George Deukmejian, apparently convinced that he has enough campaign funds to last him through Election Day, has loaned $200,000 to Senate and Assembly Republican political action committees to help elect GOP legislators, state records showed Thursday.

“The governor is once again exerting his leadership in the party and doing what he can to help assure victory in some of the close races,” said Larry Thomas, Deukmejian’s campaign director.

Although the reports did not identify the Deukmejian funds as loans of $100,000 each to legislative Republicans, Thomas said, “The understanding is that both are loans.”


Asked if the $200,000 meant the governor was confident of a reelection victory over Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, his Democratic opponent, Thomas said: “I wouldn’t put that spin on it. We wanted to do it because we achieved full funding and expect to have a modest surplus.”

Total Reported

Deukmejian last week reported that he had collected $13 million and had about $2.5 million in the bank.

The $200,000 was disclosed in late campaign contribution reports filed with the secretary of state’s office.


The last-minute heavy flow of big money is intended to influence the outcome of close contests and reflects actions of contributors who gave at least $1,000. They must file daily late contribution telegrams until Election Day. The last reporting period ended Oct. 18.

The late contributions reflect the governor’s desire to cut into the heavy Democratic majorities in both houses of the Legislature--26-14 in the Senate and 47-33 in the Assembly.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of dollars in other late contributions and expenditures to various committees and candidates also were reported.


Loan of Funds

Assembly Republicans, led by GOP Leader Pat Nolan of Glendale, received $208,000, including the $100,000 loan from the governor.

The No. 1 recipient was Henry J. Velasco, who received $114,000. He is challenging Assemblywoman Sally Tanner (D-El Monte).

Assembly Democrats, led by Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco), reported receiving $69,000 in contributions and giving out $218,353 to Democratic lower-house candidates.

The largest recipient was Mary Jadiker in Northern California’s 8th District, who received $61,883. Jadiker is running against Republican Bev Hansen in a tight race to replace Assemblyman Don Sebastiani (R-Sonoma). Jadiker also previously received $297,325 from the Brown forces.

Biggest Contributions

Committees controlled by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles) reported receiving $163,000. The biggest contributions were $55,000 to Assemblyman Louis J. Papan (D-Millbrae), who is seeking an open Bay Area seat, and $37,500 to community college chancellor Jim Young, who is seeking an open Kern County seat.

Committees of Senate Republican Leader James W. Nielsen of Woodland received $148,000, including the $100,000 loan from Deukmejian. The biggest single donation was $65,000 to Tom Legan, who is running against Sen. Dan McCorquodale (D-San Jose).
