
Letters : Orange Council Race


Your article (Oct. 29) on the Orange City Council race was both factually incorrect and misleading.

The article states that I was “removed from the Planning Commission by then-Mayor Hoyt.” The fact is I was appointed by Mayor Robert D. Hoyt in 1976. He left the council in 1980. In 1983 Mayor James Beam requested the resignation of all planning commissioners. All commissioners submitted resignations. I decided not to be considered for reappointment because no reason was given for the request.

The article further erroneously states, “Since then, Coontz has served as president of the Orange Community Historical Society and on the steering committee for Orange schools.” In fact, I have been president of the Orange Community Historical Society since 1980.


The sequence of my public affairs positions is: elected secretary of the Republican Central Committee of Orange County, steering committee of Citizens for Better Schools for seven years, and Planning Commission service for eight years.

My brochure and ads carry a broad base of support that was not implied by the article.


