
Is Contra War Over?


Hamill’s magnificently rational article out of Mexico City struck a chord that makes me want to cry out from some deep, hurting place within, please let it be so!

Hamill’s final sentence sums it up. “The contra war is over, and nobody else should die.”

My sincerest wish is that the wise members of Congress who fought so hard to stop contra aid should now call for a cessation of all hostilities so that no more innocents need die. The Sandinistas have always offered amnesty to all those at troop level. I imagine that Cruz, Calero and Robelo would be tried for treason if they returned. In the case of Cruz I see that as a real shame; he was a very promising opposition candidate until he sold out to President Reagan.

If President Reagan feels obligated to the ex-Somozan thugs in immediate command positions, let him give them asylum, preferably on some remote island in the middle of the ocean, or in a well-guarded compound on his private ranch. I don’t know of anyone else who would want them as neighbors.


I’ve been to Nicaragua three times and know well the destruction of schools, granaries and health centers. I’ve spoken with the sorrowing mothers and felt their pain.

I’ve seen the shortages of such essentials as toilet paper, toothpaste and shampoo; the scarcity of even rice, beans and milk that worsen a poverty that most Americans can’t even imagine.

It’s over! Please let it be now.


Huntington Beach
