


Jan. 12--”Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Pictorial Retrospective.” An exhibit of King memorabilia prepared by the California Afro-American Museum. Southern Christian Leadership Conference offices, 4182 Western Ave. 3 p.m.-8 p.m.

Jan. 13--Private screening of “In Remembrance of Martin,” a documentary on King with recollections from, among others, Dick Gregory, Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby. The Directors Guild of America Theater, 7950 Sunset Blvd., 6:30 p.m. The documentary will be broadcast Jan. 15 on KCET-TV, Ch. 28.

Jan. 14--Interfaith prayer breakfast, Trinity Baptist Church, 2040 W. Jefferson Blvd., 8 a.m.


Jan. 16--Labor-civil rights breakfast, Sheraton Towne House, 2961 Wilshire Blvd., 7 a.m. Premier of “The Meeting,” a dramatic portrayal of a fictional meeting between King and Malcolm X a few days before Malcolm X’s assassination. Inner City Cultural Center, 1308 S. New Hampshire Ave., 8 p.m.

Jan. 17--Art and essay contest awards presentation, California Afro-American Museum, 600 State Drive, Exposition Park, 1 p.m. With the theme, “Drugs: Killer of the Dream,” the contests attracted more than 1,000 entrants from elementary through high school grades.

Jan. 18--Citywide religious observance. Scores of Southern California churches and temples will participate in this observance during their regularly scheduled services.

Jan. 19--Food and clothing canvass, Holman United Methodist Church, 3320 W. Adams Blvd., 12 p.m. “Peace and justice” organizations will collect food and blankets to aid shelters for the homeless and food distribution centers. Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration, Westin Bonaventure Hotel, 404 S. Figueroa St., 6:30 p.m. Allan Boesak will receive the Martin Luther King Jr. International Award.
