


It ill behooves Sunday editor Irv Letofsky to write snide, cutesy pieces about motion picture industry publicists (“Weaving a Web of New Movies,” Jan. 11). It’s tantamount to biting the hand that feeds you.

Apparently, Calendar writers Broeske and Pecchia had some trouble putting together the “Teasers” section and, naturally, it’s the fault of the publicists, and not the incompetence of the staff. Fiddlesticks!

As a former magazine managing editor, and a former trade paper and newspaper editor, I learned a long time ago that without the entertainment industry publicists, sections such as Calendar would consist of reviews and hopefully an ad or two and little else.


The superiority bug seems to have bitten the Calendar “journalists.” Letofsky, et al., would do well to take another look at the value of the publicists to the newsperson’s ability to make a living writing about such earth-shaking subjects as mini-reviews of motion pictures said writers haven’t yet seen.


Business Agent

Publicists Guild, Local 818

Sherman Oaks
