
In Golf, the Only Way to Win Is by the Rules

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For Scott Ostler to demean the rules of golf in the Craig Stadler towel incident completely missed the point and the true meaning of winning fair and square.

Professional golfers pride themselves on the fact that the winner of any tournament is the one who played the best. To be the best means that every player played under the same rules. Professional golfers are scrupulous about being the best, honestly , even to the point of calling unseen infractions upon themselves. Had Stadler been informed of the rule, he would have called it upon himself and retired gracefully.

It is a shame that Mr. Ostler could not have used his considerable talent to point out the positive aspect of golf and that it is possible to be a famous and wealthy athlete without resorting to cheating, bullying officials, drugs and off the field antisocial behavior.



Corona del Mar
