
Developments in Brief : Childhood Asthma Death Rate Jumps

Compiled from Times staff and wire service reports

Specialists in childhood asthma are seeing an inexplicable rise in the death rate from the disease, especially in the 10-to-14 age group. They surmise that a difference in reporting may account for some of the increase.

Dr. David Tinkleman, an Atlanta asthma specialist, said it may be that some cases that were formerly diagnosed as bronchitis or pneumonia are now recognized as asthma. But other factors pushing up the death toll “really aren’t known,” Tinkleman said. “Even with more powerful medications, the rate of death has increased.”

In a fatal asthma attack, the lungs close down, he said. The increased production of mucus can prevent victims from breathing oxygen into their lungs or expelling carbon dioxide. “Some children die at home before they can get to an emergency room. Sometimes they die in a matter of an hour,” Tinkleman said.
