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How to keep a Hollywood family name alive? Take a look at what the Kirk Douglas clan has scheduled this week:

Kirk and wife/mother Anne are returning late this week from a European promo tour of “Tough Guys,” which starred Kirk and Burt Lancaster. He’s also writing his autobio.

Michael, 42, will spend the day Monday looping his work in “Fatal Attractions” (out in September from Paramount)--then help hand out Oscars later that night. He jets to NYC Tuesday to rehearse his lead in Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street,” to begin shooting there mid-April. Plus the usual phone calls related to his work as an emerging multimedia mogul.


Joel, 40, who runs JAD Productions in the South of France, will be in Rome early this week talking new projects with financial partners. He told us that JAD (short for Joel Andrew Douglas) has its first, “The Treasure of Green Eyes”--a “wonderful action-adventure film” directed by Jeannot Swarc--in pre-production. Peter, 31, will attend the Oscar doings--he’s a voting producer--then continues dubbing the Ann-Margret-C. Thomas Howell comedy, “A Tiger’s Tale,” which he wrote/directed/produced.

Eric, 25, budding actor (a biker thug in “Golden Child”), said he’s excited about driving his new (but used) jeep to meetings here this week for film, TV and theater projects. He’ll next be seen as a street tough in “Student Confidential,” a Troma teen-turmoil saga out in May.

The clan reunites in Manhattan ahead of the April 6 tribute to their Pop by his alma mater, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
