
Wonders of World Come Alive With Language


Tradition, in the simplest of terms, is the handing down of the past to posterity. It is a vital aspect of life, one that forms strong relationships between those who share it. Many consider language to be a tradition. It is looked upon as the symbol of one’s life, culture and heritage. Many hold fast to their language and would be hesitant to understand another. Yet to be bound by tradition is the way of the mindless and enslaved. To be inspired by it to achieve further heights is the way of genius.

America is a country of many nationalities, a union of culture, ideas and philosophies. We live in a world shared by brothers, yet many close their eyes and minds to their ways. One must realize that keeping an open mind is extremely important for growth. Without it, one would merely perceive according to limits formed by such restrictions, and a restricted mind is a wasted one. Many find it easier to follow paths already made instead of creating and exploring. They feel so safe and secure in knowing only their language that they tend to neglect those of others. To do this is to deny knowledge and to accept ignorance.

In American society there exist many barriers, obstacles of differences, whether physical or mental, of opinion or nationality. Ironically, it is this very same society that creates these barriers and holds within it the ability to overcome them. To be bilingual is extremely necessary in the conquering of such barriers. In a bilingual society, there would exist a common bond that allows one to associate with the other. It brings people a step closer to the acceptance of one another, something that could possibly result in the end of prejudice. It permits one to rise as limits may allow. Bilinguality may not ensure material success, but its rewards are not measured in dollars and cents. It is prosperity of the mind.


Speaking another language is not the mere essence of bilinguality. Words mean nothing if there is no understanding behind them. Learning a language is not just an acquisition of new words, but an enlightenment of culture. Bilinguality isn’t merely accepting and learning. It is understanding. Imagine the wonders that language could bring. Eyes would look out into a larger world, and ears would hear and understand so much more. Language, given a chance, can do all this.

To be restricted by language is to deprive oneself of what America has to offer. To learn and understand language is the key to opportunity and true freedom. Language is knowledge, and development of another language would not only be an improvement in American society, but a maturing of the world as a whole. The path toward bilinguality would be a betterment of life, not to mention a progress within oneself. We must all constantly strive to reach new heights and achieve greater goals. If bilinguality is essential in doing so, then so be it.
