
Why Have the Rainbows Disappeared Here?


Once there were rainy seasons in California and after the rain you could step out of doors, smell the fresh fragrant air and look at a magnificent rainbow.

Rainbows were especially spectacular with their bright vivid coloring and it gave you a feeling of peace and thankfulness for the beautiful sight.

Nowadays, the rains are few and far between, and I haven’t seen a rainbow in years.

It’s as if Mother Nature, who provided so well for the miles of trees, shrubs and greenery, just decided it was not necessary any more.


After all, the rain was needed to keep the greens growing, but with a city of cement buildings, cement roadways, cement bridges, cement, cement, cement, a nurturing rain is not needed.

So, in the interest of shopping malls, condos and endless housing developments, it’s just too bad our children won’t be seeing any rainbows!


Los Angeles
