
Newport Pharmaceuticals International’s shares are being recommended...

Newport Pharmaceuticals International’s shares are being recommended by the Medical Technology Stock Letter. As the investment letter reports in its latest issue: “We grow more confident about Newport as time goes on, but it is going to take patience.”

The Newport Beach-based company has been trying to obtain Federal Drug Administration approval to use its drug Isoprinosine to treat patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

“The market for an orally active drug which will prevent those infected with the virus from progressing to full AIDS should be very large,” editor Jim McCamant wrote.


Thus far, however, the FDA has been unwilling to approve Isoprinosine for any use--despite requests to use it as a cure for everything from herpes to influenza.

Still, McCamant wrote, “The large potential should reward our patience.” He said he recommends buying the shares at less than $9.

The stock closed in the over-the-counter market Friday at $6.875 per share
