
Suspect Admits Building Bomb Seized at Clinic : Pastor Calls Church Member Good Christian and Patriotic American

Times Staff Writer

A man arrested for allegedly planting a pipe bomb at a family-planning center in San Diego has confessed to manufacturing the device, according to an affidavit made public Tuesday in U.S. District Court.

Eric Everett Svelmoe, 29, was arrested Monday after police on a stakeout reportedly saw him place the bomb and a two-gallon gasoline can under a stairway. He is a member of the Bible Missionary Fellowship in Santee, a congregation vehemently opposed to abortion and whose members regularly picket family-planning clinics in the San Diego area.

After his arrest, Svelmoe was questioned by agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and by San Diego police. He admitted to manufacturing the bomb at his mobile home in El Cajon.


“Svelmoe stated he constructed the pipe bomb Sunday afternoon . . . in his mobile home, using his own tools. Svelmoe claimed to have purchased the components for the pipe bomb in the San Diego area,” according to the affidavit filed by F. Scott Parkhurst, a federal agent.

Police apprehended Svelmoe shortly after he left the Family Planning Associates Medical Group at 6495 Alvarado Road at 3 a.m. after allegedly planting a bomb, said Sgt. Bill Campbell of the San Diego Police Department’s criminal intelligence unit.

‘Dedicated Christian’

The Rev. Dorman Owens, who heads the Bible Missionary Fellowship, described Svelmoe as “a kind, dedicated Christian and a patriotic American.”


“I was surprised when I heard about his arrest,” Owens said. “But I’m sure he was driven by the best of motives, that is, to save human life . . . save babies.

“I’m not going to condemn him, or condone him. I will not force upon him my convictions. That’s a matter between God and him. All I know is that I have never instructed anybody to bomb a clinic. But I will say that when I hear news that an abortion clinic is closed, I am not grieved.”

A spokeswoman for the family-planning center, who asked not to be identified, declined to comment about the incident, but others providing similar services said they were concerned and angered at the escalation of violence used by their opposition.


“Anyone who works in this business has reason to be concerned,” said Lenore Lowe, Planned Parenthood’s director of community services. “The use of violence by those who deny women the right to have an abortion is escalating. It’s frightening to say but it’s becoming a trend. Some of these opponents who have not been successful in turning around court decisions have resorted to expressing their political point of view through violence.”

Planned Parenthood in San Diego is one of 190 affiliates nationwide and operates eight clinics in the county, Lowe said. She said that while Planned Parenthood has received several bomb threats, no bombs have ever been found.

‘Constantly Picketed’

“We’re constantly picketed and receive hate mail,” Lowe said.

“People have to understand that women need to make this decision in privacy. (A woman) must be allowed to do so without having to cross a picket (line) or endangering her life and her child.”

Ellie Wrapp, community relations assistant for Womencare--a feminist health-care center in Hillcrest--said it’s scary “when you hear people saying, ‘God wants your clinic bombed.’ ”

In an unrelated incident, Womencare received a bomb threat the same morning Svelmoe was arrested, Wrapp said.

Svelmoe is being held without bail at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, charged with possessing, receiving and constructing an unregistered explosive device, and carrying a firearm during the commission of a felony. He was arraigned Monday before U.S. Magistrate Roger Curtis McKee.
