
San Diego


Ending Jesse Macias’ hopes of reviving his San Diego City Council campaign, the city attorney’s office Friday disallowed the former television reporter’s request that his name be placed on the ballot despite his failure to receive sufficient valid signatures on his nominating petitions.

Macias, who planned to seek the 8th District seat held by appointed Councilwoman Celia Ballesteros, was one of seven council hopefuls disqualified from the Sept. 15 primary last month for failing to secure the required 200 signatures of registered voters. Though Macias collected 385 signatures, the county voter registrar’s office ruled that 205 were invalid, generally because they came from persons who either were not registered to vote or are registered at an address other than that listed on the petition.

In asking city officials to overturn that decision, Macias argued that 25 of the signatures were not counted for “minor technical errors,” such as the listing of a person’s business rather than residential address.


The city attorney’s office, however, ruled that the errors, however minor, still disqualified the signatures.

“Obviously, we’re extremely disappointed by the ruling, but we have to abide by it,” Macias said. “It’s a real shame.”

Three of the other disqualified candidates already have indicated that they intend to wage write-in campaigns this fall. But Macias said that he is leaning against pursuing “that very tough uphill battle.”

“It would be like starting all over again, and I don’t know if we have the financial resources or manpower to pull that off,” he said. “Besides, it’s such a long shot.”

Macias said he may endorse one of the nine candidates in the race. “If it looks like we can work with one of them, that seems to be the most effective thing I could do.”
