
Louis Farrakhan’s Visit to Los Angeles


Dr. Halford Fairchild’s apologia for Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan (Op-Ed Page, Aug. 6) is disturbing. Fairchild excuses Farrakhan’s violent rhetoric and inflammatory outbursts as “calculated outlandishness” designed to “raise issues that need to be raised.”

The problems plaguing blacks in America today, such as poverty and racial discrimination are most certainly deserving of considerable attention. However, Farrakhan’s expression of violent hostility toward whites and his public excoriation of Jews, under the guise of advancing black self-determination, are inexcusable.

Fairchild makes the mistake of rationalizing Farrakhan’s appeals to bigotry and racism as nothing more than an attention-getting device. History provides ample illustration of the horrendous consequences of rationalization. Adolph Hitler, who Farrakhan has referred to as “a very great man,” achieved leadership status with his economic reform initiatives and lofty plans for rebuilding Germany.


Farrakhan’s professed desire to improve the economic status of American blacks does not justify his vitriolic attacks on another minority group in this country--Jews.

Fairchild finds the passionate rejection of Farrakhan “curious.” We consider the unequivocal repudiation of Farrakhan’s hateful message by Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, black community leaders, the Los Angeles City Council and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors wise.


Western States Counsel

Anti-Defamation League

of B’nai B’rith

Los Angeles
