
New Rules for Crowded Skies

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There is obviously an inadequate air traffic control system for providing separation of all passenger air traffic, general aviation and air transport, in the L.A. basin area.

What is needed is an adequate air traffic control system to handle the volume of all air traffic in the area. The FAA administrator is trying to fix the problem by eliminating the general aviation traffic in the Los Angeles basin through new regulations on air space.

There are several general aviation airports and thousands of general aviation pilots and service organizations who utilize the Los Angeles basin air space.


This preposterous course of action by the FAA administrator is grossly discriminatory in nature, dangerous and ill-conceived. This is like solving the freeway congestion problem by eliminating all non-commercial vehicles on freeways!

We must consider fair-minded, far-sighted, realistic problem resolution options, not reactionary, short-sighted, unfair regulations and restrictions of one sector of the aviation population.


Mira Loma
