
‘F’ Not Given to Bergeson

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This is an apology to state Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach), to the League of Women voters and to The Times.

Recently The Times printed my letter on the senator’s shameful chicanery regarding SB 1517. That bill, introduced by Bergeson, had called for the developer, Signal Landmark Co., to supervise the reclamation (read development ) of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. It would have let Signal appoint three members to help it “supervise” the early stages of the project. The members would have been a Huntington Beach City Council representative and a county supervisor presumably committed to the development.

Strong opposition to the project was voiced by many who feel that 5,700 residences and a channel for pleasure boats would ruin valuable wetlands now used by migratory birds and other wildlife.


In my letter citing Bergeson’s miserable record on the environment, I said: “Sen. Bergeson was even awarded the ‘F’ grade for failure on environmental quality by the honorable League of Women Voters.” My letter was in error. It was not Sen. Bergeson. My source was incorrect. The league understandably objected, but it indicated it would study SB 1517 before commenting.

If a reason was still needed to apologize, The Times story of Aug. 18 gave it. The good senator has changed her mind. She pulled the bill back. That’s good news because delay could mean cancellation or serious modification. More balance could then be effected--such as having two wetlands protectors and two developers on the board, and then having those four choose a fifth member. That would better than having five foxes to guard the chickens.


Laguna Beach
