
Racial Epithets in Court


I am writing to express my shock and dismay about the way Commissioner Daniel Calabro of the Glendale Municipal Court has been treated by District Atty. Ira Reiner and the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People (Metro, Aug. 26-28).

I have worked as a deputy public defender in Calabro’s court since March of this year. During that time, I have worked in his court on a daily basis handling misdemeanor arraignments. I have represented defendants of all nationalities--black, white, Latino, Asian, etc. Calabro has treated all of my clients, regardless of their race, fairly and respectfully. I have never seen him exhibit any signs of racism through his actions, demeanor or attitude.

As I have expressed to various media personnel, the controversial statement Calabro made was taken totally out of context. At the time, the commissioner was responding to a police report that indicated racial epithets were exchanged in that case. His response was one of chagrin that this was the second case in a week that he had to hear involving racial epithets. He was actually conveying his distaste for racism. Although the choice of words was unfortunate, the words were not used in any premeditated design or vicious manner and were definitely not directed at the victim in the case or any other person. Had I thought so, I would not have allowed any of my clients to appear before the commissioner.


Reiner has no concern for the truth. He only intends to use this incident to manipulate the general public to suit his own political goals. Why was there no comment about the statement until 2 1/2 months had passed? Why was no one notified of the press conference until a few hours before it occurred? Why was no official inquiry conducted prior to that time?

Those of us who know Calabro know that he is a good, kind and decent man. We know he is definitely not a racist. I would only hope that the public, and particularly the members of the black community, do not react to the political propaganda of Reiner and withhold judgment until the truth is borne out after an official, organized and fair investigation.


