

Times Theater Writer

“The Mahabharata,” which opens today at the Raleigh Studios Stage 12, is the longest story ever told. It’s also one of the longest plays you’re likely to sit through, if you have purchased the nine-hour marathon performance.

Below is a spectator’s guide to viewing “The Mahabharata.”

Parking: The Paramount parking structure north of Melrose on Van Ness (west side of the street), will be available at $5 per car. There’s street parking all around. Entrance to Stage 12 is on Van Ness, just south of Melrose. No parking on the Raleigh lot.

Seating I: It’s festival style, a fancy name for unreserved. Be prepared to stand in line early to get the best seats. Doors open 30 minutes before the start.


Seating II: It’s also bleacher style, albeit foam-covered. Backrests are there too, but they hit about the middle of the back. Anyone with lower-back problems should bring something that can be placed on the bleachers.

Breaks: Very few. The first part runs uninterrupted from 1 to 4 p.m. It’s followed by a 30-minute break. The second part runs from 4:30 to 7 p.m., followed by an hour break for dinner. The last and most grueling part goes from 8 to 11:45 p.m. Restrooms: They’re in the lobby between Stages 11 and 12. Portable restrooms will be available; these will also work for the handicapped.

Handicapped facilities: Seating is at ground level.

Dress: The bottom-line is “comfortable.” Just be sure garments are loose, shoes don’t pinch, soles are flat for climbing in and out of bleachers. The space is air-conditioned, so a sweater is a good idea.

Food and drink: The Raleigh Cafe on the lot opens its concession booth at 11 a.m. with assorted snacks and beverages. It will also have box suppers ($10-$18) that can be purchased up to two hours prior to the performance. Advance reservations for these are recommended. The box suppers come in seven menus, two of them Indian: The $10 “Mahabharata” special and the $14 Thali dinner. Call (213) 462-1963 for details.

Bring your own picnic or someone else’s. You can buy box suppers from caterers that prepare them for the denizens of Hollywood Bowl.

Where to stash it: In your car. Or in a loosely supervised self-check area. No food is allowed in the theater.

Where to eat it: Benches only will be set out on the lot and probably not enough of those to accommodate everyone.


Pay phones: There is one phone next to the ladies’ room in the lobby of the support building adjacent to Stage 12; one outside phone on the west flank of Stage 14, parallel to Melrose; one phone inside the Raleigh Studios main gate on Bronson Avenue (to use it you must exit the lot on Van Ness and walk around to the Bronson entrance).
