
No Grievance to Be Filed in Wiggins Case

Associated Press

The Major League Players Assn. will not file a grievance over the suspension or the release of second baseman Alan Wiggins by Baltimore Orioles.

“We have no objection to the release,” Gene Orza, associate general counsel of the association, said Wednesday. “It’s what Alan really wanted.”

Wiggins was suspended indefinitely Sept. 1 by Ueberroth for “improper behavior.” According to several sources, he tested positive for cocaine use. Orza said the suspension without pay ran from Aug. 31 to Sept. 19, when he was released.


Wiggins, 29, will lose only 20 days of pay, or $81,395 of his $700,000 salary for 1987, and will be paid $61,046 for the final 15 days of the season, following his release. Next year, he will forfeit one-third of his $800,000 salary, or about $267,000, under a clause in his contract which penalizes him for being released.
