
Congress Told of Plan to Sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

From Reuters

The Reagan Administration told Congress today it intends to sell $997 million worth of F-15 jet fighters and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia.

Legislators will have 30 days to debate the controversial plan and decide whether to oppose the move, which President Reagan says is needed to boost U.S. and Saudi security in the volatile Persian Gulf region.

Under the proposal, the United States would sell 12 F-15 fighters to the Saudis for $502 million to replace older F-15s as they are retired from the Saudi air force.


The United States would also provide $375 million in upgrades for the Saudis’ 60 F-15s.

While there is still opposition in Congress to the deal, it is expected to be approved under a compromise struck between the White House and lawmakers to delete 1,600 Maverick anti-tank missiles from the sale. Inclusion of the missiles had been strongly opposed by supporters of Israel.
