
Better Than Expected

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Talking about lost luggage by the airlines--here’s one the other way. Three cheers for the baggage crew at USAir in Pittsburgh and one cheer for USAir. We arrived on a Friday about 5 p.m. Pittsburgh was fogged in and raining. We were about 20 minutes late. We had to make a Boston connection, which was leaving in 10 minutes. Got on the plane by the skin of our noses. We were the last three to board. As soon as we were seated they revved the motors.

I bet a stewardess that our luggage would be delayed or lost. She assured me that at the very worst the baggage, if late, would be delivered to our hotel. I don’t know how they did it, but our three large bags were at the luggage terminal in Boston, the very first three bags down the slide.

Three cheers for the Pittsburgh USAir baggage crew. When something nice happens, kudos are due.



Thousand Oaks
