


Assuming the successful conclusion of the intermediate-range missile banning treaty and assuming our Congress will finally ratify something in the interest of world peace, we can then cleanse the sky of missiles by eliminating short-range and intercontinental rocketry.

President Reagan has been assuring us for two years or more that his Strategic Defense Initiative weaponry when made operational will be the almost perfect protection from unmanned instruments of destruction aimed at the United States.

Taking the above at full-face value, why should we not plunge ahead with all speed on “Star Wars,” pledging that at its completion we will scrap of our intercontinental weapons and pledging to the Soviet Union that we will present to them, gratis, an identical system installed wherever within its borders its government desires? They can’t hit us; we can’t hit them, so all the really big weaponry can be ground up to make peacetime goods. Such an action might permit the world to enter the 21st Century.



Palos Verdes Peninsula
