
The State : San Jose Rapist Eludes Capture

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The nation’s most computerized police force and the efforts of citizens groups have been unable to stop a brazen, ski-masked rapist who has attacked at least 30 women and left many others frightened in the San Jose area, a spokeswoman for a rape center charged. “People are scared, and they should be,” said Diana Keller, legal coordinator for Valley Rape Crisis Center. “This is a power rapist who picks out his victims ahead of time and targets them anywhere from hours to days to weeks. He’s clever and plans meticulously, and he doesn’t leave evidence behind.” After analyzing data on the rapist for three years, trying to link victims dozens of ways through computers and compiling a psychological profile of him, police remain stumped and frustrated. The gun-wielding rapist usually wears a dark blue ski mask with red trim, and he has attacked women on high school campuses, in churches and in their homes in eight Silicon Valley cities.
